This sample pack includes 22 snare hits from soft to hard in wav format. A .TCI file is also included in the pack (Slate Trigger).
Drum: Orange County 6x14 Black Burst Maple Snare
Top: Heil PR 30B
Bottom: Shure SM57
OH: Little Blondie Stereo Pair
All signals are recorded at 24 bits / 44.1 khz in .WAV format.
Top, Bottom, and Oh are blended together in all samples.
Top and Bottom sent through a Neve Portico 5012 Dual Mic Pre.
OH mics sent straight to my interface's pres; Saffire Pro 40.
You may not sell or share these samples separately or together as your own.
You may use these samples within any music/audio/video production.
Audio examples (drums only):
These clips contain GB Snare A with minimal processing. All other drums and cymbals are from other products/drum libraries. This is only for demonstration and preview purposes.
*This product will be received as a digital download. A secure link will be e-mailed to you directly.
contact: [email protected]